Joint Forcible Entry Operation exercise at Hilo, Hawaii JPMRC 25-01
Royal Australian Air Force Corporal Felicity Hull, Number 36 Squadron loadmaster, inspects flight equipment with U.S. Air Force Tech Sgt. Jose Molestina, 204th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, during Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center 25-01 on Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Oct. 7, 2024. The Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JPMRC) is the Army’s newest Combat Training Center (CTC) and generates readiness in the environments and conditions where our forces are most likely to operate in. JPMRC 25-01 highlights our commitment to partnership and a free and open Indo-Pacific and includes training participants from across the U.S. Joint Force and multinational Allies and partners. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Mark Sulaica)